
Download Exomecha
Download Exomecha

As the game’s name suggests, Mechs are also involved and bring the ability to use firearms, but also a weapon and shield. Whereas the Heavy Tank is extremely powerful against other vehicles, but its slow rate of fire will leave you open for counter-attacks. Each vehicle will have its strengths and weaknesses, the Helicopter for instance is strong at taking out enemy tanks but lacks any survivability. Vehicles also feature heavily, allowing players to access vehicles quickly with a grapple no matter where they are. Defence or offence? It’s all your choice. Players will be able to customise their load-outs with different active and passive abilities, allowing full customisation over how you play. However, your Mech customisation can only be used before matches. Player customisation will play a big part in Exomecha, giving you the option to customise your loadout and abilities, even on the fly during a match. The dragon acts as a world boss, giving brave players a chance to unlock extra rewards if they decide to take it on. Indeed, Exomecha features an AI-controlled dragon that will enter the match and start covering an area of the map in flames.

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It’s not even just the soldiers, everything is chrome in Exomecha: vehicles, Mechs, and even the dragon. You will notice that the futuristic soldiers aren’t too fussed about visibility, and prefer to engage in combat situations dressed in chrome. Exomecha has been given a release window of August 2021, and it will be released onto Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One consoles.

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